AeroPress + Prismo Recipe

Here’s what you’ll need for an espresso-like brew:

AeroPress Brewer Kit
Fellow Prismo
Fresh Coffee
Third Wave Water
Gram Scale

Coffee to Water Ratio: 20g / 60g
Brew Time: 1 minute 15 seconds
Grind: 3 on Baratza Encore

Aeropress Espresso Add Coffee.jpg


Bring water to a boil (or set your Fellow EKG to 210º).

Grind 20g coffee. Use setting 3 on your Encore grinder.

Place metal filter in the Prismo with the Fellow logo face up.

Screw the Prismo onto the AeroPress.

Pour some hot water into your AeroPress to preheat it, then dump it out.

Set your AeroPress on your favorite mug or demitasse.

Pour 20g (or two scoops) finely ground coffee into the AeroPress.

Aeropress Espresso Water.jpg

Add Water & Stir

Start your timer as you pour 60g water into the AeroPress.

Stir vigorously with the paddle for 30 seconds.

Aeropress Espresso Press.jpg

plunge & enjoy!

After 1 minute, remove the AeroPress from the scale.

Put the plunger into the AeroPress and press firmly all the way down.

Unscrew the Prismo and press the coffee into the trash for easy cleanup.

Rinse your Prismo completely.

Drink black or top with cold or heated milk for a tasty latte!

Latte tips

Our favorite is to do a quick home made AeroPress latte with some ingredients you probably already have at home. You essentially have an espresso machine under $100 with the AeroPress and Prismo combo set up.

Add your freshly plunged Prismo espresso to some honey in a 12oz glass. If you have a scale handy, 15g is the perfect sweetness. Add two shakes of cinnamon and stir until the honey is melted. Add some oat milk to the top to make a delicious honey cinnamon oat latte. Regular whole or 2% milk also works just fine. Just use what you have or what you enjoy the most.

It’s delicious as is over ice, but you can make it nice and creamy with a cold foam feel too. Just use a milk frother to whip it until fluffy and top with a sprinkle of cinnamon to feel extra fancy.
