Drink Special: Clarity Cool Down

Happy Summer! 

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With the hot and humid Oklahoma City Summer, we decided our Summer Drink Special should be something nice and chilly! 

With a little help from Wilbur Curtis’ new Chill X, we’re pleased to present our vision of a coffee slush: the Clarity Cool Down!

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Coffee Slush?

Yes. The Clarity Cool Down is a Cold Brew Slush made with Brown Sugar and Minor Figures Oat M*lk! Using cold brew concentrate, the Cool Down has about as much caffeine as any of our regular coffee drinks, and since we’re using Oat M*lk, it’s also vegan!

But Seriously, A Coffee Slush?

Specialty Coffee sometimes gets a bad rap for being too serious about how coffee should be prepared and gets to decide what “is” and “is not” Specialty Coffee. We’re not really about that.

Specialty Coffee is about care. The care farmers and producers show when planting, harvesting, and processing coffee cherries and the care roasters and baristas show in preparing the coffee for service. While Specialty Coffee refers to a level of coffee quality scored at the farm or mill, specialty coffee is about preparing and showcasing great coffees, and we think our Clarity Cool Down does just that.

We’re super pumped to share our summer special with you! Stop by next time it’s a million degrees, and let the Clarity Cool Down help you beat the heat!

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Drink Special: Agave Lime Latte Returns


New Artist: Jess Wedel