New Art! Eric Piper: We, A Lens To The Eternal


Last night, we were sad to take down Justice Smithers' photographs but so excited about what's next.

"Eric Piper's art is a multidimensional study in iconic iconoclasm. His prints act as symbolic characters in psychological and mythological settings. Ghosts of ideas become mental snakes that float through the subjective dimensions. Shadow swords cut through emotional barriers. He draws his inspiration from the dark, chaotic, and discordant realm of perception. His art is the tribute to facing oblivion head on and overcoming it." - Laine Bergeron

Eric Piper is a Norman based artist with extensive experience and a style we really love. The works he's showing at Clarity are titled We, A Lens To The Eternal. Each piece is a woodcut relief printing. That means he actually etched the negative spaces in wood, and used the unetched parts of the wood to imprint ink to produce the print.

Piper's art will be on the walls at Clarity for a limited time, so come check it out. And for more info, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


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