A Recap of Caffeine Crawl 2017!

Yesterday, we got to participate in our second Caffeine Crawl! You can read about last year's crawl here. We had a blast teaching people a couple of aeropress recipes, one for black coffee and one for an "espresso" for an iced honey lavender latte

We wanted to show that making a good coffee is about having simple repeatable routines, even if you aren't ready to spend money on the nicest equipment. With this in mind, we eliminated the scales, fancy kettles, etc. Here's the recipe:


  1. Bring water to a boil and set it aside

  2. Place filter in the filter holder

  3. Screw the filter holder into the aeropress

  4. Pour some hot water through the filter to rinse

  5. Set your aeropress on your favorite mug

  6. Pour 16g (or one heaping scoop) ground coffee into the aeropress

  7. Pour 225g water (or fill between the 3 and 4 markings) into the aeropress

  8. After 1 minute, put the plunger into the aeropress and gently press

  9. Unscrew the filter holder and press the coffee into the trash for easy cleanup

  10. Drink some coffee

To make our espresso-like coffee, we used half the water, filling only to the number two, which allowed us to create a syrupy, concentrated shot that can stand up in milk and balance out the honey lavender syrup for a delicious iced latte. 

Aeropress Setup.JPG

They're so easy to use, and this is only one of a million recipes to make awesome coffee with an aeropress. It can be as easy or as challenging as you'd like. We definitely believe that the more precise you can be, the better and more consistent your coffee will be, so if you're interested in the tools to perfect your recipe, check out our shop.

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Crawl. Can't wait to do it again next year!


New Artists - Ashley and Nora Whiteside


Honey Lavender Lattes are back!