New Artists - Ashley and Nora Whiteside
We have some really fun new art on the walls at Clarity this week from Nora Whiteside, a four year old artist, and her mother Ashley.
Here's a little about the show from Ashley:
Abstract art appears simple to many. The nonsense, the random, the mess -- could it not be replicated with ease? When Nora and I began painting together in January of 2015, this was my belief, though I had not one completed painting to support my theory. In truth, I was (and still am) incapable of creating artwork that satisfied me, criticizing my methods and perfectionism ruthlessly. Upon adding the free-spirited whimsy of a child, the missing piece was evident! Since our beginning, not one abstract piece has been created without her by my side, proving her value in the process.
Speaking of process, we get that question commonly. In our completely atypical non-traditional way, we create! Step 1: I toy around with color pallets that inspire me, trying to blend muted tones with saturated, to avoid a juvenile look. This could come from a rug, an outfit, a sunset, or nowhere. 2: I mix our colors, and let her choose her trust. 3: We attack the canvas simultaneously, painting around each other. Sometimes there is a plan, sometimes there is not. 4: We stop when Nora announces that it is finished, and declares some brilliantly ludicrous nonsense that becomes the name, which she immediately forgets. 5: I pick out more colors and we do it again.
Frankly, I fear it won't be long before her talents trump my own. Already she is improving so greatly, learning with every brushstroke. We could keep this up our whole lives, or we could stop next year, and we'd have been successful. The point isn't the paint--it's the connection.
Photo courtesy of Whiteside Art & Interiors
All proceeds from these paintings go directly to Nora's college fund. Swing by the shop and check them out. If you're interested in one, shoot an email to Aaron.